Chinese Golden Mask Show Coming to America

We just love to showcase our customers and their work, I mean why not. They provide a great resource and source of inspiration to our clients. There can never be enough emphasis on the fact, that there is no limit to the kind of clients we get. But our favorites, and one that we have become a sort of expert on is broadway, and the performing arts. Especially when we have an opportunity to introduce a company that is a newcomer in the American show scene. Well, that is just simply very exiting for us of course. This time, our great pleasure is to introduce a famous show throughout China and perhaps in the very near future in America as well. Thanks to us we like to believe! What is known as the Golden Mask Dynasty Show in Beijing, is going to debut it’s new show in New York. With unbelievable effects, from life sized water falls to huge constructions to facilitate the performance, it’s going to be a sure hit for those who like big productions. Naturally, the car ads have been loud and proud with a clear message of whats to come in the near future.

Golden Mask Dynasty Waterfall Scene

As has become clear form our previous posts, we have been a lot visiting Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and even lately a famous place called Xian. Learning as we go, looking for great customers that can benefit from our service. Now with the abundancy of people learning the huge benefits of car ads, the abundant customer base has been more than enough for us. Luckily so, every once in a while we had a change to broaden our customer base. Not everyone can be successful in this field, and that’s why we have started to choose our customers instead of them choosing us. While it has been a dramatic change in the selective process, we feel it’s necessary for us to concentrate best on what we do really well. That also comes with what we most enjoy to do as well, as naturally those interests are going to get top priority and the best changes for success.

That being said, we have absolutely fell in love with the show scene. Now mainly concentrating from productions coming from China, but looking for many more productions from other countries too. The Chinese playing field is just tremendously fruitfull with loads of production companies that don’t fear to stand out and invest on their future. Such is the case of OCT Theatre, which is run behind the great Beijing Happy Valley concept. A well known amusement park that has decided to expand it’s horizons with the fantastic show that tells the story of the Golden Mask Dynasty. While not as famous as the acrobatics of Chaoyang Theatre, we feel that this show in Beijing has the best potential in terms of it’s future. Luckily so, they don’t have any problems with budgeting and are backed up by companies that can lift their skill to the appriciation that they deserve. Do check their web page to learn more about their awesome show concept, or you may also just head on to the Happy Valley park if you are in China yourself.

adsoncar manager,
Justin Calvo

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